Wednesday, January 11, 2006

too many or too close ?

Sabtu sore di ITC Kuningan
"Mau ke Carre four nggak?"
"Nggak ah, ngapain..."

We called it law of diminishing marginal utility


Anonymous said...

I think too confuse to understood, huhuhu.... :'((

Anonymous said...

Hi, aku sebenernya dari dulu penasaran. Apa bener namamu Tristan (kenapa ada she-nya?)? Ato, kamu ngefans ma Brad Pitt pas di legend of the Fall? Hehehe. Soalnya, dia kan jadi Tristan. He rocks anyway. Jadi, setiap baca namamu, aku membayangkan, kalo kamu tuh cewe yang tergila2 Brad Pitt n pengen ketemu cowo kaya Tristan (di Legend of the fall), hehehe.
Ngawur neh... hehehe

Anonymous said...

Eh, lagi! Ternyata bener yah? Hehehe. I just read your profile. N I found "Legend of the Fall" there! Gosh, the movie is, indeed, awesome!! Hehehe. Aku juga salah satu penggemar Brad n Tristan... Hehehehe...

Metri said...

Iya, emang. Nama itu datangnya dari peran Brad Pitt di situ