Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Hari ini, hari ketigaku nggak pake hp. Setelah hari minggu kemarin hpku mati total, gara2 jatuh.
Dulu biasanya aku udah kelabakan kalo nggak ada hp, ya soalnya duit seringnya berasal dari situ. Tapi sekarang udah nggak lagi, biasa-biasa aja, rasanya malah lebih bebas. Coba kalo diitung2:
- Bebas dari sms nanya2 pe-er (hopefully they dont read my blog)
- Bisa ngumpet tanpa rasa bersalah (oooh..maap, hp gw kan lagi mati)
- Hilang satu kekuatiran. Kalo jalan ke mana aja, terutama daerah rawan ato kerumunan orang, aku sering rajin ngecek, apa hp masih ada ato nggak, terutama sejak kejadian pencopetan hp pertamaku.
- Ngurangi barang bawaan, hehehe...
Kurangnya apa ya? tentu aja sebel mikirin bayar biaya servis n mesti ke Mal Ambasador buat ke service center-nya(yang di Depok udah nggak ada lagi :( ), selain itu kayaknya sih nggak ada.

Tapi mulai mikir2 nih, apa emang aku tu mesti ganti hp, balik lagi ke merk itu, biar lebih aman dengan kebiasaanku yang suka sembarangan atau tetap bertahan dengan hp sekarang, atau malah ganti hp ini sekalian, buat sekalian terapi biar aku nggak suka gerudak-geruduk hehehe... (sori, buat yang maniak sama merk2 tertentu jangan tersinggung). Belom tau sih, kalo bisa sih nggak usah ganti hp deh, nggak ada anggaran buat itu (mending beli ditcam).

Tapi paling tidak buat seminggu ini, aku bakal tetap bebas gangguan hp. Horeeeee....

Monday, November 21, 2005

Nawfal #1 Id

Nawfal at his first Id Fitri, wearing his 4th grade SD' saroong :p

Friday, November 18, 2005

Free market

Today I go to bank (hint: they use number as logo) . N I felt little bit surprise that everybody smiles n say “terimakasih, mbak” (even when Im not yet finish my business there :( ). And ask my apologize when something not done just like I want. Yea, its not too special, but here in Indonesia?
Then I remember when I went shopping in supermarket (hint: its rise everyday), I felt that they service me with smile n nice, n the most important is with friendly prices! That’s happen maybe just a week after other new supermarket open in the same street.
So, I guess, for the same kind reason I got special service in the bank. Mmmmm… (should I?) thanks to free market.

Should I still say no for new modern market that unfortunetaly hit traditional market (pedagang kecil)?
Thanks Allaah, Im not in position as decision maker

My Wishes List

10. Harry Potter # 6 in Indonesia lang (in English? no way! Rp 195.000 means a lot 4 me)
9. See Padi n Maliq show in one stage, in nice place, in one place one moment.where we can relax to enjoy their show.

8. A bike. Simply coz I need exercises
7. For once in my life time I want to know how it feel in autumn. Just for short time, not to live in that kind weather. Just to see how leave falling (like in the movie, hehehe...)
6. Undo n Redo button. I need to click them whenever I made mistake. Sometimes. Don’t u?
5. Automatic self-iron machine. My clothes hand me up. Just to iron, coz its much pleasure for me to do wash than iron its.
4. My own digital camera. There’s a pocket camera but that’s not mine. I mean it when I say my own. But mini handy cam is not bad.
3. Get free-lance job with fancy salary. I get bore with full-time job.
2. I become expert in computer programming, or at least I m being expert in using it :p. Coz dunno why but I still just know that’s me.
1. Doraemon’s Everywhere Door (Pintu ke mana saja!!!). C’mon should I tell u why? But if u just have his pocket, please feel free to gimme

But for this moment I just need soto for my lunch with fresh juice. Mmmmmm ....